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Schuchin region

Shchuchin district was founded on 15th of January in 1940. It is located in the north-western part of Grodno region. Its total area is 1.9 thousand square kilometers or 7.6 per cent of the area of Grodno region.
The district borders on the Republic of Lithuania in the north, Grodno district in the west, Voronovo, Lida, Dyatlovo and Mosty districts of Grodno region in the east and in the south.
Shshuchin is the administrative centre of the district. It was first mentioned in Lithuanian certificate of birth in 1537. In 1962 Shshuchin obtained the status of a town.
As an administrative-territorial entity the district consists of 2  settlements of urban type (Zheludok and Ostrina), 13 village Soviets, 435 rural settlements.
Open joint-stock societies “Shshuchin “Avtoprovod” plant”  and “Shshuchin diary plant” are considered to be large-scale enterprises. The major manufacturing course of the district’s agricultural branch is a beef and dairy one together with cereal crops, potato and sugar beet growing. The construction and repair and rehabilitation operations are held by 4 economic agents including two interorganisational movable mechanized column structures №166 and №167. Transport services are brought by the automobile park №12, the regional consumer’s association transport column №9 and two railway stations. Post units and post-offices provide the district with communications. The central district hospital and health care facilities net also function in Shshuchin district.
The district’s educational area is represented by the net of preschool institutions, that of basic and secondary schools, Shshuchin State Gymnasium, out-of-school institutions and the State agricultural professional lyceum. There is also a library network, a club network, the district methodical centre of arts and crafts and music schools for children in the district.
Confessional relations in Shchuchin district are characterized by their stability, constructivity and toleration.
The general of the Community Valeriy Vrublevskiy, artists Kazimir Alhimovich and Pinhus Kremen, a well-known Belarusian poetess Aloiza Pashkevich (Tsyotka), ornithologists Konstantin Tizengauz and Tadeush Ivanovskiy, a poet, a philosopher and a mathematician Onufriy Petrashkevich, a man of Belarusian national rebirth Vatslav Ivanovskiy, a teacher and a memorialist Phelix Statskevich, an actress  and a theatrical teacher Olga Alexandrovskaya (Galina) were born on the territory of the contemporary district.
1800 inhabitants of the district died at the fronts and partisan parties during the Great Patriotic War, about 7000 were shot and myrtyred on the temporary occupied territory. In honour of the died 55 monuments and obelisks are constructed, 2 memorial complexes are opened.

Schuchin Regional Executive Committee