Three blocks, computer tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, pharmacy. What will be the new hospital at the Trinity roundabout

It is being designed at the Grodnograzhdanproekt Institute. The presence of relief with a decrease to the Neman River determined the three-part division of the hospital complex: each building is located perpendicular to the direction of the slope, which will make it possible to make additional basement and basement floors in the right building. Details to the "GP" were told by the chief architect of the project Alexander Somov.
- The main entrance is oriented to YankaKupala Avenue. The entrance to the hospital territory, which will occupy 9 hectares, is provided from two sides: from the side of the avenue and from the side of the road leading to Soly. We have provided several car parks – one for visitors with 125 parking spaces with a check-in from Yanka Kupala Avenue and several parking lots on the territory of the hospital for staff with 43 seats.
Basing on the medical assignment and the design assignment, the Institute proposes the following concept. The hospital building consists of three blocks: two 5-storey buildings A and B, in which the ward departments will be located, and one 4-storey block B with medical support departments and a reception department.
The main loading of the hospital will be carried out through the reception department, which is divided into 3 zones – "red", "yellow", "green". CT and MRT scans with separate entrances from the street will be located nearby.
All zones have separate entrances and isolated entrances. The "red" zone is for the most severe patients who need immediate medical care. They, accompanied by medical staff, get into this area, where resuscitation measures are immediately carried out. After stabilization of the condition, patients are transferred to the intensive care unit.
The "yellow" zone is for patients with stable vital functions, but unable to move independently. Their examination is carried out in the ward on the principle of "technology to the patient". These are radiography, computed tomography, and endoscopy.
The "green" zone is for patients who are able to move independently and have the opportunity to visit medical and diagnostic rooms on their own.
In A and B blocks, a general hospital pharmacy, buffets, a block of the academic department are designed, in the basement parts – wardrobes. There will be a clinical diagnostic laboratory on the ground floor, a functional diagnostics department, an endoscopic department, a CSO, a 12-bed intensive care unit.
On the floor above - cardiology department No. 1 with endovascular surgery beds for 60 beds and cardiology department No. 2 for 60 beds. Nearby there will be an operating unit for endovascular surgery with an angiographic complex, a transfusion care room, a 6-bed intensive care unit.
On the third floor there is a rheumatology department with 60 beds, an endocrinology department with 60 beds, a physiotherapy department and a physical therapy department.
The fourth floor will be occupied by a gastroenterology department with a 60-bed metabolic disorder center and a 60-bed neurological department.
The administration will be located in block B, there will also be an assembly hall and offices of doctors of the clinical and diagnostic department. The fifth floor will be occupied by two pulmonology departments No. 1 with 60 therapeutic beds.
The peculiarity of the layout with three blocks will allow them to be isolated from each other with the help of sanitary passes, thus highlighting the "red" zone with a separate entrance and its own CT.
The ward wards will consist of two corridor-type sections with 30 beds each. The section includes a single isolation ward with a gateway and a bathroom, including for people with disabilities. Therewillalsobe 7 blocksofdoublewards.